How to Choose the Right Postpartum Doula for You

So you've decided to hire a postpartum doula, but now you are wondering how to find the right one for you.

You might start by asking your healthcare provider for recommendations. Many postpartum doulas have networks of local providers they work with. Your obstetrician, chiropractor or pediatrician might know of a great doula or have heard of one through their professional network. 

Another option is to search online for "postpartum doulas in the Houston area", or wherever you are located and look over their websites. is a directory for parents to find a doula in their area, listing their years of experience and relevant certifications such as doula training, breastfeeding education, and CPR certification. You can also consider doula agencies, which often have teams of experienced doulas and handle the vetting process to ensure you receive quality care.

The most important factor when choosing a postpartum doula is how comfortable you feel with them and whether they can provide the comforting support you need during this exciting and often vulnerable time. 

If you are in the Houston area and seeking postpartum doula support, my skilled team would love to support you in any way we can. Click here to schedule a discovery call and be matched with one of Houston's finest baby whisperers.

Ways to know if your baby is getting enough milk

One of the most common concerns for new mothers is wondering if their baby is getting enough milk. In the early days of breastfeeding, babies’ tummies are tiny—about the size of a marble when they're born, holding 1-1.4 teaspoons.

During the first few days postpartum, babies take in smaller, more frequent feeds of colostrum, (Mom's first milk), which arrives in small amounts weeks before delivery and is the perfect food for babies. Colostrum has been referred to as baby’s first medicine, or “liquid gold” since it is packed with nutrients and antibodies that will prime their immune system those first few days earth-side.

Breastfed babies typically eat between 8 and 12 times a day, sometimes more! Responding to their cues is important and will help establish a good milk supply. Babies tend to feed more frequently during growth spurts or when they're not feeling well. 

Here are some ways to know if your baby is getting enough: 
Feeding Cues 

  • Signs of Satisfaction: Babies usually begin a feeding with clenched fists. As they nurse, their hands will relax and open up, and they will appear content and relaxed after feeding. 

Diaper Output 
  • Wet and Dirty Diapers: Your baby should have an adequate number of wet and dirty diapers. Expect about 6-8 wet diapers and at least 3-4 stools per day once your milk comes in. 
Weight Gain

  •  Growth and Development: Regular weight checks are important to ensure baby is gaining weight adequately. Babies typically lose a bit of weight in the first few days but should be back to their birth weight by about two weeks old. 

Breastfeeding can be wonderfully rewarding but can be a challenging journey for some. If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to a lactation professional or healthcare provider for support! 

We're here to support you

If you're a breastfeeding mom in the Houston area, my expert team of postpartum doulas is here to support your unique breastfeeding goals. Lactation home visits are currently available in the San Antonio-New Braunfels area. 

**Click here if you'd like schedule a free discovery call to learn about more about our services.**

If you are interested in virtual support through your breastfeeding goals, I offer by-the-minute consulting through I Help Moms —[click here for my coaching link]! 

Calm in the Chaos: A Guide to a Restful Postpartum Experience

As a postpartum doula, I get asked a lot of questions about what we do. I've shared a lot about the role of a postpartum doula in my other blog posts, so I'll give you the shortened version. 
We're often referred to as baby whisperers, but really, we are mother-focused. We are there to support the whole family as they welcome new life, but our priorities lie in mothering the mother during a time when so much revolves around the baby.  
Sure, we provide expert newborn care, but we are also there to make sure mom's resting, comfortable, and staying nourished so that she can properly heal the baby-sized wound in her belly. 
In our 'hustle and bustle' society, there's been a message circulating, that's left many women with the impression that they should bounce back as quickly as possible after having their baby. Well, I'm here to spread another message. You can have a slow and restful postpartum that doesn't involve you losing out at all the joy that this sacred time can bring and spreading yourself too thin. 
For a limited time, I'm offering my postpartum planning workbook to any expectant mother seeking a bit of peace of mind. With this tool, you can craft a plan and assemble a support network, ensuring you're not navigating this journey alone. 
Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day and happy planning! 

World Doula Week: Celebrating the Impact of Doulas

Today begins the celebratory week of Doulas, World Doula Week~ March 22nd through March 28th. This week has become a time for reflection on how I came to know this work and how it has changed me as a caregiver and a person.

 If you don’t know what a doula is, well, I’ll just start by telling you what they don’t do: deliver babies! 'If you know, you know.' If you’re a doula, you’ve likely been asked this.  

What we do is support the mother from the time of conception to delivery, through postpartum, and often through the baby’s first year of life. In the Greek language, doula means a woman who serves. 

We serve the mother during a time when talk of the baby might feel like it silences her inner voice, telling her to reach out for extra love and tenderness. We serve her because often we’ve felt times in our own womanhood/motherhood journey when we’ve desired this level of support, a listening ear, and a calming essence. Someone to validate our feelings and not pass judgment. 

It's worth noting that there are different types of doulas, including birth doulas, postpartum doulas, bereavement doulas, and my intent for this post is to celebrate the role of doulas in supporting mothers through birth, postpartum experiences, identity shifts, and times of loss. 

If you’re a doula and you’ve loved and cried tears of joy and empathy throughout your journey, I see you, because I’m doula’ing right along with you.  Happy World Doula Week!!

Nurturing the Journey: Becoming a Postpartum Doula

A Guide to Becoming a Postpartum Doula

 For many women, welcoming a new life into the world is a miraculous and transformative experience. The birth of a baby marks the birth of a mother. Across diverse cultures globally, the postpartum period, also known as matrescence is a time of transition in nearly every facet of a woman's life, as beautifully noted by Kelsey Borresen in Huff Post.

It holds profound significance, casting a sacred light on a woman's journey. As a postpartum professional, your role is crucial in supporting her. This blog post will guide you on how to embark on the rewarding journey of becoming a postpartum doula, providing holistic care and empowering mothers on their breastfeeding journeys.

Understanding the Role of a Postpartum Doula: A postpartum doula is a trained professional who extends physical, emotional, and informational support to mothers during the postpartum period. Beyond the essential newborn care, your role encompasses aiding a mother in achieving her feeding goals, embracing her unique parenting style, while prioritizing her rest and recovery. Through your dedication, you contribute to her overall well-being and foster a sense of confidence in her journey into motherhood. In 1969, American Medical Anthropologist, Dana Raphael coined the term "doula" to describe a woman outside the family who nurtures the new mother, facilitating successful breastfeeding. This historical context highlights the significance of your role in fostering a joyful and empowered motherhood experience.

Choosing the Right Training:
Your course should cover a wide range of topics, from lactation support to emotional well-being. Seek out a training program that aligns with your own mission and values, while considering factors such as the curriculum, the expertise of instructors, and the support offered post-training. Look for programs that prioritize inclusivity, cultural competence, and a commitment to empowering mothers. Seek training that emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive environment, promoting self-care, and building a strong bond between the doula and the mother.

"Mothering the Mother" Approach:

The concept of "mothering the mother" is at the core of effective postpartum doula care. It involves providing unwavering support to the mother as she navigates life with her new baby. Look for training programs that teach the skills and mindset needed to be a comforting presence for the new mother. By gaining a thorough grasp of postpartum challenges, staying up-to-date on infant feeding and sleep guidelines, and recognizing the significance of establishing connections with external resources and professionals, you can provide a well-rounded support system.

Empowering Through Breastfeeding Support: Breastfeeding is a crucial aspect of postpartum care. Choose a training program that dedicates time to breastfeeding education, offering practical guidance and solutions. Equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills to address common breastfeeding challenges will help you to better assist your clients.

Personalized and Comprehensive Support: A holistic approach to postpartum care involves tailoring your approach to meet the individual needs of each mother. A comprehensive understanding of postpartum issues allows you to offer well-rounded support.
Joining Live Training Opportunities:
To kickstart your journey as a postpartum doula, consider joining upcoming live training sessions. As a Newborn mother's graduate and affiliate, I fully recommend Julia's training course. Her live sessions provide a dynamic and interactive learning experience. Click here  if you are ready to embark on this fulfilling career path. *Live classes begin in February*

Ensuring an adequate milk supply

The beautiful journey of becoming a mother often comes with its own set of challenges, and for many breastfeeding moms, ensuring an optimal milk supply is a top priority. In this blog post, I'll share practical tips and strategies to help you maintain healthy milk production for your little one. 

Embrace Lots of Skin-to-Skin Contact

 The magic of skin-to-skin, a.k.a. Kangaroo Mother Care cannot be emphasized enough. This intimate connection with your baby not only strengthens your bond but also stimulates milk production. Spending quality time holding your baby skin-to-skin helps trigger the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for your milk ejection reflex. So, cuddle up with your little one as much as possible. 

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is key to overall health and also plays a crucial role in breastfeeding. It's important to drink enough water throughout the day to support your body's functions, including milk production. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and consider keeping a large water bottle with you, especially during those late-night feeding sessions.

 Nourish Your Body

CDC recommends 330 to 400 calories additional calories per day for well-nourished breastfeeding mothers. You should include a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy. Foods known to boost milk supply include oats, black beans, avocados, and papaya, so consider incorporating them into your meals or snacks.

 Feed Frequently

 Frequent milk removal stimulates your body to increase production. Ensure that your baby is latched comfortably and that you are hearing sucking and swallowing. If you're concerned about your baby's latch or feeding patterns, don't hesitate to consult with a lactation specialist for guidance. Remember, the more your baby feeds, the more signals your body receives to make more milk. 

Build a Support System

Breastfeeding can be both physically and emotionally demanding, so having a strong support system is imperative. Surround yourself with people who understand and encourage your breastfeeding goals. This could include your partner, family members, friends, pediatrician, doula, or a lactation consultant. A supportive environment can significantly reduce stress and positively impact your milk supply.

 Be Patient

 Patience is key as you navigate the ups and downs of breastfeeding. It takes time for your body to establish and regulate milk production. Understand that there may be challenges along the way, but with perseverance and the right support, you can overcome them. Trust the process of your unique breastfeeding experience and give yourself grace. Any amount of breastmilk is an amazing gift for your baby-you are doing a great job!

If you are looking for support during your breastfeeding journey, I'd love to schedule a free 15-minute consult.  Click here to view my calendar.